Worship at Wilmore UMC

We are excited to be worshiping in-person again each Sunday at 11am in Clark Chapel. If you are looking for a church in Wilmore, we welcome you to join us this summer. Here are some helpful things to know about our church:

How should I dress?

You are welcome to wear whatever you wish. We have folks wearing shorts and folks wearing sports coats. What’s most important is that you are here.

What kind of worship is it?

We are a church that uses all kinds of music to worship. Some Sundays there may be more traditional hymns with a piano and some Sundays we will be led by a guitar and sing more contemporary songs. The structure of worship is more liturgical, which means we have readings and prayers we say all together as well as multiple scriptures being read. 

What about my kids?

Children are always welcome! The nursery is open at 10:45am each Sunday for babies and small children. In worship, there is a Children’s Moment led by our children’s pastor, and most weeks, she leads them in a time of children’s worship in our children’s area. On the first Sunday of the month, the children stay with us in worship so they can participate in Holy Communion.

How often you do celebrate communion?

As we find our way out of the pandemic, we celebrate communion once a month, on the first Sunday of the month.

Is there an online option?

Yes! Our service is live-streamed each week on our Facebook page (no sign-in needed). We would love to have you join us there!